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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH Class 6th English lesson 3)







Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Q. 1. When and where was Muhammad (PBUH-Peace Be Upon Him) born?

Ans. Muhammad was born in 571 A.D. more than fourteen hundred years back, in a respectable family in Makkah.

Q2. Who was Halima ? Why did she bring up Muhammad (PBUH) ?

Ans. Halima was an Arab woman. Muhammad was placed in her custody for four years. She brought up Muhammad.

Q. 3. Why did the Arabs kill their daughters and how ?

Ans. The Arabs killed their daughters because they considered them interior to boys. The Arabs buried their girls alive. Whenever a girl was born, the father would take her away, digging a pit and bury her alive.

Q4. How old was Muhammad (PBUH) when his mother died?

Ans. Muhammad was four years and a few days more than one month when his mother died.

Q. 5. How old was Muhammad (PBUH) at the death of his grandfather and who looked after Muhammad (PBUH) afterwards ?

Ans. He was 8 years old when his grandfather died. His uncle Abu Mutalib looked after him after his grandfather's death.

Q. 6. Why and with whom did Muhammad (PBUH) go to Syria ?

Ans. He went to Syria on a trade journey with his uncle.

Q. 7. What advice did the monk give to Abu Talib, and why?

Ans. The monk told Abu Talib that Muhammad had all the characteristics of the last prophet as mentioned in the Bible. He should return to Makkah in order to keep Muhammad from harm.

Q. 8. Why did Muhammad (PBUH) visit Syria a second time? What happened there?

Ans. The second time was when a rich widow, Khadija, sent him with her merchandise to Syria. A priest started observing him there. He began to compare the description of the last prophet as given in the Bible with the features of Muhammad.

Q. 9. How did Muhammad prove as a trader?

Ans. He proved honest, truthful and straightforward as a trader.

Q. 10. How did Khadija come to know about Muhammad?

Ans. Khadija heard about the honesty, truthfulness and straight- forwardness of Muhammad after he had gone with the merchandise to different places.

Q.11. Where did Muhammad see the angel? What did he tell him to do?

Ans. Muhammad saw the angel in Hira. He asked him to read in the name of Lord.

Q. 12. Who was Warqa? Why did Muhammad see him ?

Ans. Warqa was Khadija's nephew. He was a Christian scholar. Muhammad told him about his meeting with the angel. Warqa told Muhammad that he was going to be the prophet and the angel he had seen was Gabriel.

Q. 13. What was the age difference between Muhammad and Khadija when they got married ? How many children did they have?

Ans. There was an age difference of fifteen years. Muhammad was 25
and Khadija was 40. They had seven children, three sons and four daughters.

Q. 14. Did people accept Muhammad's religion? How do you know?

Ans. Yes, people accepted his religion. His wife was the first to accept Islam. Later on Abu Bakr, Umar-bin-Khataab, Uthman-bin-Afaan and his  cousin Ali also accepted his religion.

Q.15. Why did Muhammad (PBUH) leave Makkah ?

Ans. The nobles from his dynasty Quresh, forced him to leave Makkah.

II. Say whether the statements are true or false. Write T or F in the boxes.

1. Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was born after his (T) father's death.( T )

2. Who was Halima ? Halima was Muhammad's (PBUH) foster mother. T

3. Muhammad (PBUH) visited Syria when he was four years old.    F

4. The first Christian priest met Muhammad (PBUH) in Makkah.      F

5. The Christian priests found all the signs of the last prophet in Muhammad (PBUH).      T

6. Abdul Mutalib was Muhammad's (P.B.U.H.) uncle. F

7. Abu Talib did not like Muhammad (PBUH).  F

8. 'Ameen' is the title that Muhammad (P.B.U.H) got because of honesty      T

9. Hira is the name of the house where Muhammad (PBUH) saw Gabriel (AS) for the first time. F 

10. Muhammad (PBUH) became the prophet when he was 33. T

11. The Quran was revealed to Muhammad (PBUH) when he. migrated to Madina. F

12. Muhammad (PBUH) left Makkah on his will.F

13. The first Islamic government was established in Madina. T

14. Haj is performed in the first month of the Muslim calendar. F


I. Muhammad was brought up by his uncle.

The underlined expression above is a phrasal verb used in the past (bring up is the present form). A phrasal verb consists of a verb followed
by a preposition or an adverb. To bring up' means to care for (a child)

until it is an adult. If you break the phrase into two words, the words have different meaning 

Now guess the meaning of the underlined phrases in these sentences :

1. We should cut down our expenses if the shop is to make a profit.

2. Our school will come out with its progress report soon.

3. You should not disrespect your elders but carry out their order.

4. I requested my class teacher for a day off, but he turned my request down.

5. I don't think he smokes any more. He gave it up three months

6. The police are looking into the matter. However, no clues have been found yet about the real culprit.

7. They promised to support him in his elections, but later on backed out.

8. Do whatever you have to do today. Don't put it off for tomorrow.

9. Don't spend every penny you earn. Put aside some for the future.

10. The plane takes off at 6. We should be at the airport an hour before its departure.


1. reduce

2. publish

3. obey

4. rejected

5. left

6. investigating

7. withdrew

8. postpone

9. Reserve or keep safe or lay by

10. leaves ground (airport)

II. 'Grandfather' is a compound noun- 'grand + father'. Make similar compound words by joining words in A and B.

















Ans. Walking stick; feature film; blood pressure; cotton wool; flower vase; wild life. bedroom.

III. Arrange the following words as they would appear in the dictionary. Also indicate syllable division (where necessary) by putting a dot in between each syllable.

Ans. Words placed in the dictionary order; aeroplane, cassette, crescent;
dog, file, finger, fish, floppy, nib, pad, printer, star, tap, thumb, write
Syllable division: aero. plane ca. ssette, cre. scent, dog, fi. le, fing.er, fish,
flo. ppy, nib, prin. ter, star, tap, thumb, wri. te.

I. Arrange the following words as they would appear in the dictionary:

Ans. bus, camera, clock, cup, cycle, cylinder headphone, knife, lips, lock, lorry, medal, motorbike, picture, speak, spider, train.

II. Ali was Muhammad's cousin. The word cousin can be used for both male and female children of your aunt or uncle. You can use it also for the children of your mother's brother, or any other distant relation.

What words do you use in your language for the following relations ?

The English relationship words are given in brackets :

1. Sister's husband (brother-in-law).Behnoie..........

2. Wife's brother (brother-in-law) .....sala....

3. Mother's brother (uncle)....…mamu…......

4. Mothers brother's son (cousin).....Momerea baie...

5. Father's brother (uncle)...chacha

6. Father's mother (grandmother).Dadee....

7. Mother's mother (grandmother)...Nanee...........


1. Study the underlined words in the following sentences :

The Arabs buried their daughters alive.

Even the cries of the girl would not melt her father's heart.

The words with a single underline are nouns, and the words with a father? we are taking about. We use my/your/his/her/their, etc. before double underline are pronouns which indicate 'whose daughter?' and 'whose nouns as in:

*Ann likes her eat.

*Mehmood loves his children. wandtilsat sert

*I'm going to wash my hands.

*Do you like your job ?

*We like our village

*They don't like their job?

*Kashmir is famous for its beauty.

Now fill in the gaps with my/our/your/his/her/their/its.

1. Amina is going to wash....... clothes.

2. Ahmed is with ........friend and.... father works in a bank.

3. We are going to invite all..........friends to the party.

4. It is a very big company........head office is in Delhi.

5. They're going to see.........grandmother who lives in a village.

6. I saw my friend, Ahmed, with..........parents.

7. I liked......... hat. Did you like mine?

Ans. 1. her 2. his, his 3. our 4, its 5. their 6. his 7. your.

II. You know nouns can be countable or uncountable. Uncountable nouns usually do not take the plural marker-s at the end. We, therefore, use determiners like some, any, much etc. with them. For example:

-I must buy some coffee and juice.

-Do you have any money on you?

-There isn't much / any time left now.

There are many uncountable nouns related to different pieces of clothes which are always available in pairs-gloves, socks, shoes, etc. With these nouns we usually use 'a pair-of-' Which of the following nouns will take 'a pair of .....' before them :













1. A pair of trousers

2. A pair of jeans

3. A pair of pyjamas

4. A pair of shorts

5. A pair of trunks

6. A pair of tongs.

I. Muhammad said to angel, "I can't read."

"Can't' is the contracted form of 'cannot', which is the negative form of 'can'. It indicates 'inability' to do something. If you have to say that you have the ability to do something, you can say, "I can do it." Can is a modal verb. In the following sentences the underlined words are all modal verbs which express different ideas (given in brackets).

(i) She can solve this problem on her own. We shouldn't interfere at all.

(Expressing ability).

(ii) I can go there. I'm not afraid of the boss.

 (Expressing possibility)

(iii) Can I have your pen, please ?

(seeking permission)

(iv) I may visit him if I go to Delhi next month.

 (Expressing possibility)

(v) 'May I come in, please? Yes. Come in.

 (seeking permission)

(vi) We might visit them if we were allowed to.

 (Expressing possibility)

(vii) You must / should see me in the office tomorrow morning. 

 (Expressing possibility)

(viii) You must be Japanese.

 (Expressing possibility)

What would you say in the following situations ? 

(a) You don't have your textbook with you. Your friend has. You ask for it 

You say..................

b) You wish to apply for leave and go to Headmaster/Headmistress's room. Before you enter.you say.............. 

(c) Many boys are swimming in the lake. You also know swimming. You tell another friend about You say:..................

(d) You are planning to visit Jammu.. You expect to see your friend, You talk about this possible meeting to a friend. You say............

( e. ) You see a foreign tourist in the market, but you can't make out where he is from. You feel he is from Italy. You'talk to him and tell him :

You say............?

(f). You are away from home and you want to ring your family up.

There is a telephone at a shop. You go to the shopkeeper and seek his permission to use his phone.You say..................

g. Your friend, Waseem, is ill. You inform another common friend about it, suggesting paying a visit to him.

You say: ..........………..?.


a. Can I have your textbook, please?

b. May I come in, sir / madam ?

e. I can swim.

d. I might see my friend Mohan, if I visit Jammu.

e. You must be from Italy.

f. May I use the telephone, please ?

g)We must / might visit Waseem who is ill.

11. Study the following sentences from the text :

- We haven't heard of such a thing before.

the past with a result now as in :

We use 'have/has (or haven't/ hasn't)' + past participle form of

main verb (heard, here) to make present perfect tense, and for an action

- I have lost my book. (= 1 can't find it now.)

- You haven't cleaned your shoes. (=You can't wear them like th

- He has / hasn't gone to bed.

Now complete the sentences with a verb from the list. Use have

+ past participle of the verb). The first one is done for you.

VERBS: finish, go, read, take, do, paint.

a. 'Are you still writing the letter ?" No, I have finished it.

b. 'Is Waseem here ? No, he............ to school."

c. I can't find my handkerchief. Somebody............

d. 'Do you want this book ?" No, thanks. I..........it

e. Waseem ......... homework. He's playing now..

f. His room looks different. He ............. it.


b. has gone

c. has taken

d. have read

e. has done

f. has painted

Q. What is a tongue twister ? Give an example.

Ans. It is a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly.  She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.

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