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The Road Not Taken Class 9th Lesson 11






Lesson-11: The Road Not taken:

(Robert Frost)

Thinking About the poem:

Q.1 Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?

Ans: The traveler finds himself at a place where the road diverged into two different directions. He could not decide which way he may take.

Q.2 What is the difference between the two roads as described by the poet in stanzas two and three?

Ans: One of the road was not much travelled by and it was grassy and wanted wear while as one road was used by many travelers and was clean.

Q.3 Which roads does the poet choose? Does he regret his decision?

Ans: The poet take the road that was much used, yes, the poet regrets in his choice.

Q.4 Find the rhyme scheme of the poem.

Ans: The poem is divided stanzas of five lines each. The rhyme scheme of each stanza is abaab.

Q.5 Explain the meaning of the following phrases:

Ans: It means a forest where the leaves had turned yellow because of the autumn season 

(b) Bent in the undergrowth.

Ans: It means a place where the road bent behind the bushes.

(c)Trodden black

Ans: It means turned back by being used very much.

Literary Devices:

1: Which word does Frost use as metaphor for the choice we make in life?

Ans: Roads for the choices have been used by the poet as a metaphor.

Central Idea of the poem: 

The poem, "The Road Not Taken”,

composed by Robert Frost, is based upon the theme that one may be careful in making a right choice as the correct choice can make one's future. The wrong choice can mar one's future. A choice one's made can hardly be reveled

Summary of the poem:

 It was the autumn season and the poet was going in the forest. He reached a point where the road diverged in two different directions. He looked both the roads with a thought and decides to take the road which was not travelled much. The poet imagines a time many ages hence and feel that this choice of his had made all the differences

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