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Political Parties Classb10 Civics lesson6



Chapter 6

"Political Parties"

Q.1: State the various functions of political parties they perform in a democracy?

Ans: The political parties fill political offices and exercise political powers by performing wing of functions:

1. Parties contest elections: Most of the countries have different types of political establishments. Parties provide training ground for politicians, equip them with skills, knowledge and experience. The parties give public platform to their politicians emerge as leaders. In general top leaders of the parties choose candidates to contest elections.

2. Political parties put forward different policies and programmes in front of voters to choose from. It provides a link between the citizens and the government. It presents different choices and altemative goals to voters.

3. Parties play a decisive role in making laws for a country. Formally laws are debated and passed in the legislature but most of the members belong to a party. Political parties issue whip and direction and form political opinion about the laws to be made.

4. Parties form and run the government Policy decisions whether big or small by the executive on the basis or opinion made by the parties represented by the executive, Parties forming the government recruit leaders, train them and assign them as ministers to run government as per their political objectives,

5. Political parties form the opposition, which checks the wrong pelices of the
government. Parties though elected but are in opposition raise their voices and present views against government wrong policies and decisions. They mobilize people and form public opinion against the goverment policies,

6. Political parties help to express and shape public opinion. Parties mobilize public opinion, educate the people about the problems of the country. Sometimes they commence movements to resolve problems faced by the people,

7. Political parties provide access to government machinery and implement
welfare schemes resolve common people issues. Parties fulfill their political
promises that they made before elections otherwise people would reject them in
next election

Q. 2.What are the various challenges faced by political parties? 

Ans: Various challenges faced by polítical parties:

1. Lack of internal democracy: This is caused by the concentration of power in the hands of a few leaders. As a result, positions at the top are  reserved for the leaders' relatives (dynastic succession) or people close to them.

2. Increased dependence on money and muscle power: This causes the party policies to be moulded by groups which supply these to the party

3. Failure to provide a meaningful choice to the voters: This is because of the decline in  fundamental, ideological differences among parties in most parts of the world.

Q.3: Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?

Ans: Some reforms which could strengthen political parties are:

A law should be established to regulate the internal affairs of parties, thereby making
them more transparent. Women should be given at least one-third tickets. The state should fund election campaigns, thereby eliminating lobbying groups and unfair competition.

Q.4: What is a political party?

Ans: A political party is a group of people who follow an ideology and thus come together
to contest elections and hold power in the government,

Q.5. What are the characteristics of a political party?

Ans: Characteristics of a political party are:
The presence of a central ideology which defines what it stands for Policies arising from this ideology: the party promises to implement these if it is voted to power. The presence of a leader, the party workers and supporters.

Q.6: A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called. 

Ans: Political Party

Q.7.Match List I (organisations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

1. Congress Party
C- United progressive alliance

2. Bharatiya Janata Party
A- National Democratic Alliance

3. Communist Party of India (Marxist 
D. Left Front

4.Telugu Desam Party
B. State party

Q.8 Who among the following is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

A. Kanshi Ram
B. Sahu Maharaj
C.BR Ambedker
D. Jotiba Phule

Ans:A. Kanshi Ram

Q.9.What is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

A. Bahujan Samaj
B. Revolutionary democracy
C. Integral humanism
D. Modemity

Ans: D. Modernity

Q. 10: Consider the following statements on parties.

A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.
B. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.
C. Parties are not necessary to run governments.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) A, B and C
(b) A and B
(c) B and C
(d) A and C

Ans: (b) A and B

Q. 11: Read the following passage and answer the Q.s given below:

Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist of Bangladesh. He received several
international honours for his efforts to promote economic and social development for
The benefit of the poor. He and the Grameen Bank he started, jointly received the
Noble Peace Prize for 2006. In February 2007 Jie decided to launch a political party
and contest in the parliamentary elections. His objective was to foster proper
leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh. He felt that only a political
party different from the traditional ones would bring about new political culture. His
party would be democratic from the grassroots level.
The launching of the new party, called Nagarik Shakti (Citizens' Power), has caused
a stir among the Bangladeshis. While many welcomed his decisions, some did nor like
it. "Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and
eventually have a good government," said Shahedul Islam, a government official
"That government, we hope. would not only keep itself away from corruption but also
make fighting corruption and black money a top priority.
But leaders of traditional political parties who dominated the country's politics for
decades were apprehensive. "There was no debate (over him) winning the Novel bur
politics is different - ven challenging and often controversial," said u senior leader
of the Bangladesh Nationalist Parn. Some others were highly critical. They asked
why he was rushing into politics. "Is he being planted in politics hy mentors from
outside the countr; asked one political observer
Do you think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party?
Do you agree with the statements and fears expressed by various people? How do you
want this new party organised to make it different from other parties? If you were the
one to begin this political party how would you defend it?

Ans: Attempt this Question on your own.

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