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Challanges to Democracy Class 10th Civics Lesson 8



Chapter 8;

"Challanges to


Q.1: Name any two challenges to the working of democracy in India?

Ans: Social and Economic inequality and canteism are the two challenges being faced by Indian Democracy.

Q.2: What is the challenge of expansion?

Ans: The challenge of expansion, which is present
in an established democracy, means applying
th principle of democracy across all the
regions, different social groups and institutions
in the country

Q.3: Define the term 'Democratic Reform'.

Ans: Any proposal or suggestion about overcoming
various challenges of democracy are called
democratic reforms,

Q: What types of challenges are being faced by democracy?

Ans: Three types of challenges i.e..  Foundational 
challenge challenge of expansion and deepening of democracy.

Q.5: Give examples of challenge of expansion to democracy.

Ans: To give more powers to local governments and
expansion of federal principie to all the units
of the federation.

Q.6. How can democratic reforms be carried out?

Ans: Democratic reforms can be carried out by
(a) legally
(b) by good quality of people's participation
(c) Development of democratic movement and
the media

0.7: What are the legal ways of reforming politics?

Ans: It means changes in the existing laws which
can help to discourage wrong practices and
encourage good ones or to bring amendments
in the constitution.

Q.8.What is the most common form of democracy in today's world?

Ans:-Indirect or representative democracy

Q. 9.What do you understand by regionalism?

When the people living in a particular, region, awaken to their separate existence duc
regionalism 10 social, economic or geographical causes, the leaning towards their region, is called

Q.10 Mention any two measures to remove poverty in India.

Ans: The ever-increasing population of India should be effectively checked and steps should be taken to increase agricultural production in the country


Q1. Any democratic set up faces problems is known as...

(a) Challenges of democracy

(b) Outcomes of democracy

(C)Democratic imbalance

(d) None of these

Q. 2.Any person, who can read and write in any Indian language, is known as...

(a) illiterate

(b) Literate

(c) Semi-literate

(d)None of these

Q-3: The idea of promoting one's region IS known as..... 

(a) Regional imbalance

(b) Regionalism

(C) Regionality

(d) Regional superiority

Q.4 .The ideology of believing supremacy of one's caste is known as...

(a) Caste hierarchy

(b) Caste domination

(c) Casteism

(d) None of these

Q.5 Challenge faced by democracy is...

a)Foundational challenge

(b) Challenge of expansion

(c) Deepening of democracy

(d) All of these

Q.6: Foundational challenge of democracy includes...

(a) Bringing down non democratic regime

(b) Keeping military away from controlling government

(C) Establishing sovereign and functional state

(d) All of these

Q.7.Challenge of expansion in democracy includes...

(a) More powers to local government

(b) Application of basic principle of democracy everywhere

(C) Including women and minority in decision making process

(d) All of these

Q.8. According to the text ....of the globe is still not under democratic government.

(a) One fourth

(b) Two fourth

(c) Three fourth

(d) none of the above

Q. 9. According to the text.....of the world is working under democratic government.

(a) One fourth

(b) Two fourth

(c) Three fourth

(d) None of these

Q.10: Which among the given is the dominant form of government in the contemporary world?

(a) Dictatorship

(b) Democracy

(c) Military rule

(d) None of these

Q.11: Which act is considered the watch dog of democracy?

(a) The information to Right Act

(b) The Right to Live Act

(c) The Right to Information Act

(d) None of these

Q.12: What are the qualifications of democracy?

(a) The rulers elected by the people must take all the major decisions.

(b) Elections must offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers.

(C) The choice and opportunity should be available to all the people on an equal basis

(d) All the above

Q.13: Which act empowers the people to find out what is happening in the government?

(a) The Right to Information Act

(b) The Information to Right Act

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

Q.14: Name the country where "Right to vote is not given to women

(a) China

(b) Saudi Arab

(c) Bangladesh

(d) Iraq

Q.15: Following is the challenge to democracy:

(a) Corrupt leaders

(b)Ulliterate citizens


(d) All of these

Q.16: The challenge of making the transition to democracy from a non-democratic

government is known as

(a) foundational challenge

(b) challenge of Expansion

(C)deepening of democracy

(d)none of these

Q.17: The following step/steps can be taken for the removal of poverty in India:

a) To check the ever-growing population

(b) Development of industries

(c) To increase the agricultural production

(d) All of these

Q.18.Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy implies the following challenge to democracy:

(a) Challenge of expansion
b) Challenge of decpening
C) Structural challenge
(d) Foundational challenge

Q19.Which of the following countries disintegrated due to the ethnic tension b/w Serbs and Albanians:

(a) Srilanka
(b) Belgium
(c) Yugoslavia
(d) Bolivia

Q. 20.Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy shoe that:

a) inequalities exist in democracies
(b) development under democracy is not much different from that of dictatorships
c) democracy and development go together
(d) dictatorship is better than democracy

Answers: 1. (a) 2. (h) 3. (b) 4. (e) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (a)


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