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Cart Driver Class 9th English lesson 14







Lesson- 14: Cart Driver

(Padma Sachdev)

Thinking about the poem:

Q. 1. Why is the poem bulbul afraid? Why does the bulbul want to hasten it's nest. 

Ans: The Bulbul is afraid because it has heard some sound which it can't understood. The Bulbul has raised its ears in fear. The bulbul wants to hasten to its nest because its little ones are there hungry and it doesn't want any harm to them.

Q. 2 Why does the bulbul hide itself in the bushes?

Ans: The bulbul hides itself in the bushes because it has heard the sound of wheels moving on dry leaves. The sound was rising, and subsiding and was fearful.

Q .3 What does the bulbul imagine? 

Ans: The bulbul imagine that the forest was on fire. It wishes to run towards its nest and save its young ones. But it can't lift its legs out of fear. 

Q. 4 What feelings does the bulbul's imagination arouse in the readers?

Ans: The Bulbul's imagination arouses feelings of pity in the readers. The readers feel pity and mercy for the Bulbul and its young ones.

Q.5 Why is the poem named 'Card Driver'?

Ans: The title of the poem is appropriate. It is because of the foolish and irresponsible act of the cart driver that the Bulbul and it young ones are filled with fear. The name of the poem teaches us not to commit the folly of the cart driver

Q. 6 Have you ever feared anything either in the reality or in your imagination? Write an account of your feelings.

Ans: One day I was returning to my home from railway station late at night. Suddenly I heard some sort of sounds along with some cries. I became very nervous and fear filled my heart and mind. I run towards my village very quickly. The sound and cries continued till I reached at my same place. I don't know whether the fear was real or imaginary.

Literary Devices:

1 What images does the poet use to create an atmosphere of fear and silence in the poem?

Ans: The poet has used following images to create an atmosphere of feat and silence:
(a) Fearful silence of the forest.
(b) Its ears pricked to pick some sound somewhere.
(c) Thrace of fear
(d) The cart driver hookah overturns.
(e) Imagination the forest on fire.
(f) Can't lift its legs out of fear.

Central idea of the poem: 

The poem, "Cart driver" composed by
Padma Sachdev is based up on the theme of mother's love for her children. Mothers love for her children is very great. She puts her life in danger of death for the cure of her children. Mother loves her children sincerely and without any self- interest. A bulbul sees the danger of fire in the forest and wants to fly to save its young ones but to .

Summary of the poem:

 The poem. Car Driver composed by Foamna
Sachdev is about mother's love for her children. It is darkness of the night and the footfalls of the Bulbul are heard. The bulbul is moving very carefully and is looking for food for its four little ones who are in the nest. The bulbul is moving about fearfully. It hears a sound and gets disturbed. Having a grain in to beak, it hastens towards its nest. It is the sound of a bullock cart passing through the  forest and bulbul hides itself in the bushes. The bullock is moving but the driver is asleep. His eyes are covered with his turban and is snoring. The bulbul imagines if his hookah overturns, there can be a fire in the forest. The bulbul tries to fly to its young ones in the nest but can't lift its legs out of fear.

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