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AGRICULTURE Class 10 Geography Lesson 4






1. Primary Activity: - It involves extracting natural resources like agriculture, mining, hunting quarrying, fishing and lumbering etc.

2. Subsistence Farming: - It is a farming system in which a farmer cultivates crops for his family but not enough for sale.

3. Millets:- These are small seeded crops such as cereal crops like jowar, ragi and bajra

4. Molasses: - It is a syrup received afte foods the refining of sugarcane and it is used in flavouring

5. Beverage crop:- It is a crop which is used to make a liquid that is fit for consumption

6. Equatorial crop:- These are those crops which are cultivated in hot and humid equatorial areas and include rubber tea, coffee etc.

7. Collectivisation:-It means large number of small farms to be merged together so that all the farmers will work together. It was started in USSR.

8. Sericulture - It means rearing of silkworms for producing silk fibre

9. White Revolution: - It means tremendous increase in milk production by setting up of milk processing centres, cooperatives etc.


1. Multiple Choice Questions

I Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single crop is grown on a large area?

a) Shifting cultivation
b) Plantation agriculture
c) Horticulture
d) Intensive agriculture

Ans: Plantation agriculture

II Which one the following is a rabi crop?

a) Rice
b) Millets
c) Gram
d) Cotton

Ans:- Gram

III Which one the following is a leguminous crop

a) Pulses
b) Millets
c) Jowar
d) Sesamum

Ans:- Pulses

IV Which one of the following is announced by the government in support of a crop?

a) Maximum support price
b) Minimum support price
c) Moderate support price
d) Influential support price

Ans:- Minimum support price

2. Answer the following questions in 30 words

(I) Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its growth.

Ans:- Tea is one of the important beverage crops. Important geographical conditions required
for its cultivation are as under:

•It requires annual rainfall of more than 200 cms well distributed throughout the year

•Temperature ranging between 10 to 30 degree Celsius

•The soil should be fertile, well drained and rich in humus

•Warm and moist climate and no frost at all throughout the year


II Name one staple crop of India and the regions where it is produced.

Ans:- Rice is the staple crop of India. It is grown in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra
Pradesh, Assam and Punjab government in the 

III Enlist the various institutional reform programmes introduced by interest of farmers.

Ans:- The following programmes have been taken by the government in the interest of farmers of the country-

  • The government has established Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR), large number of agricultural universities in different parts of India

  • The government is also looking forward to link the rural markets with the urban the national and international markets

  • The Kissan Credit Card(KCC), crop insurance scheme etc have been launched by the government of India

  • A comprehensive Land and Development Programme (LDP) have also been launched by the government of India.

IV The land under cultivation has got reduced day by day. Can you imagine its consequences?

Ans:- Due to the continuous high growth of population land under cultivation has reduced from the past few years. The various consequences of this reduction are as under:-

There will be shortage of food as the production of crops will decline

There will be widespread unemployment all over the country as the persons engaged with
agriculture earlier had to find alternative jobs with the reduction of land under

Agro based industries will suffer due to shortage of raw materials as there will be lower
agricultural output.

3. Answer the following questions in 120 words.

(I) Suggest the initiatives taken by the government to ensure the increase in agricultural production

Ans:- Government has initiated many institutional and technological reforms for increasing agricultural production which are as under:-

• Technological initiatives taken up by government are as under

  • Promotion of green and white revolution to increase food and milk production in the country 

  • Promotion of HYV, chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc.

  • Promotion of drip irrigation for better production

  • Cheap source of power for irrigational purposes

Some of the important institutional initiatives taken up by the government for increasing the food production are as under-

  • Several land reforms were introduced by the government like collectivisation, consolidation of land holdings etc.

  •  Financial assistance to the farmers like subsidies, etc.

  • Establishment of ICAR, agricultural universities etc

  • Minimum support price for buying of surplus crops

II Describe the role of Globalisation on Indian agriculture?

Ans:- Globalisation means development of an integrated global economy marked by free flow of trade, capital and tapping of cheaper foreign labour markets. During 19 century cotton belts of
India attracted the British and ultimately cotton wes exported to Britain as a ran material for
textile industries. The farmers in India were forced to cultivate cotton on large scale to sustain
the industries located in England. After 1990, the farmers in India were exposed to new challenges because they were not able to compete with the agriculture of the west. Today Indian agriculture finds itself at crossroads. To make the agriculture successful thrust should be given to the improvement of the condition of merginal and small farmers. Green Revolution was successful to a greater extent but it has also led to many problems as well

III Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice?

Ans - Rice is the staple food crop of India. It is a kharif crop which requires following
conditions for its growth:-

  • Temperature:- It requires high temperature and high humidity. The mean monthly temperature should be about 15 degree Celsius or above

  • Rainfall - Rice needs abundance rainfalli.e, more than 100 cms. It can also be grown in Those areas which receive low amount of rainfall but with assured irrigation

  • Soil:- Rice can be grown in different types of soils including silts, loams and gravels but is grown best in Alluvial soil.

  • Major Producers:- West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab.


Qnol. What is Subsistence Agriculture and what are salient features of slash and burn agriculture?

Ans:- Subsistence agriculture is that type of agriculture in which the crop production is low and is sufficient only for fulfilling the dietary needs of the farmer's family. Some of the salient
features of Slash and Burn agriculture are as under:-

  • This type of agriculture is practised particularly in tropical areas of the world/India

  • A patch of land is cleared by felling trees and burning them in order to obtain ash

  • Cultivation largely depends on monsoon rains as assured means of irrigation are lacking Main crops grown in this type of agriculture include cereals and other crops for their bare subsistence

  • Land productivity is quite low as farmers do not use fertilizers and other modern inputs

Qno2. What are the different names of Slash and Burn agriculture in different parts of world and India?

Ans:- In different parts of world it is known as:-

COUNTRY     Shifting cultivation

Mexico                          Milpa
Central America         Milpa
Venezuela                    Conuco
Brazil                            Roca
Central Africa             Masole
Indonesia                     Ladang
Vietnam                       Ray
India                             Jhumming


Bewar/Dahiya                                  MP
Podu/Penda                                     Andhra Pradesh
Pamababi/Koman/Bringa             Odisha
Kumari                                             Western Ghats
Valre/Waltre                      South Eastern Rajasthan
Khil                                                   Himalayan Belt
Kuruwa                                           Jharkhand

Jhumming                                 North Eastern India

Qno3. Explain some characteristics features of Commercial Agriculture in World/Indio?

Ans:-Some important characteristic features of commercial agriculture are as under:

  • This agriculture aims at increasing crop production for industrial purposes

  • This agriculture is done for selling the agriculturalproducts in the market

  • Modern machines, HWV's of seeds, pesticides, fertilizers are used to increase the food production

  • Commercial farming leads to the development of transport, connectivity and processing industries

Qno4. What are the main differences between Primitive subsistence and intensive agriculture?

Ans - The main differences between primitive agriculture and intensive agriculture are as:


  • This type of agriculture is done on a small piece of land

  • The land holdings are large in size Primitive tools like hoe, Dao digging sticks are used in this type of agriculture

  • This agriculture is dependent rainfall

  • Initially trees are burnt to obtain the ash which helps to increase the fertility To increase and maintain the fertility of of the soil but later it is totally the soil chemical fertilisers are used dependent on nature for fertility of soil


  • The land holdings are large in size

  • Modern machines like harvesters, thrashers, tractors are used

  • Proper irrigational facilities are provided in this type of agriculture like canals, wells and tube wells

  • To increase and maintain the fertility of the soil chemical fertilisers are used

Qno5. Name the important crop which was introduced by British in India  and the geographical conditions necessary  for its growth?

Ans - Tea is an important beverage crop which was introduced in India by the British. Important
geographical conditions for its cultivation are as follows:

  • Tea grows well in Tropical and sub-tropical climate. Temperature should vary between 10 to 30 degree Celsius and rainfall above 200 cms in a year

  • The soil should be deep, fertile, well drained and rich in humus and organic matter

  • There should be no frost throughout the year

  • The rainfall should be well distributed well throughout the year

Qno6. What is plantation agriculture?

Ans - Plantation agriculture is also called tree or bush farming. In India it was introduced by
British in 19th century. Its main features are as under:-

  • The plantation agriculture is done in tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. It is single crop farming in which we generally have tea, coffee, rubber, spices, coconuts, sugarcane and fruit crops like apples, grapes, oranges etc.

  • This type of agriculture is essentially a commercial type because all the crops are meant for sale in the market

  • Plantations are generally large and most of the operations a carried out manually, only processing is done by machines

  • It involves large capital input, technical knowhow, fertiliers, good transport facilities and sophisticated processing machines

  • In India it is mostly practiced in Assam, West Bengal, Nilgiri, Anamalai, Cardamon hills at the tri junction of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka

  • It aims at huge profit making at a time

Qno7. Write a note on geo environmental conditions necessary for the cultivation of Sugarcane in India and its major producer?

Ans:-Important geo environmental conditio

  • Sugarcane is a tropical as well Sub tropical crop.

  • It thrives best in rainy tropics and monsoon climate,

  • Temperature should be above 25°C

  • Rainfall should be above 100 cms with assured irrigational facilities

  • Frost is harmful for the crop

  • It requires deep fertile well drained alluvial soil

  • Largest sugarcane producing states of India include U.P. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu

Qno8. Write a note on geo environmental conditions necessary for the cultivation of cotton?

Ans:- India is believed to be the original home of the cotton plant. It is an important raw
material for textile industry. Important geo environmental conditions necessary for its
cultivation are as under:-

  • It is primarily a tropical crop which requires 210 frost free days for its growth

  • Temperature should be always above 25°C

  • A rainfall of above 50 cms is very important for its growth but excessive rainfall is harmful for the crop

  • It is best grown in black soils of Deccan plateau

  • Major producers of cotton in India include Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab and Haryana

Qno9. Which crop is known as golden fibre and what are the important geo environmental conditions necessary for its cultivation?

Ans:- Jute is called golden fibre for its colour and high cash value. Important geo environmental
conditions for its cultivation are as under:-

  • Well drained fertile soil in the flood plains where soil is renewed every year

  • It requires high temperature during growth period

  • The temperature should be around 25°C

  • Rainfall should vary between 150 to 200 cms.

  • Major producers of jute in India include West Bengal, Assam Bihar

Qno10. Explain three different crops seasons in India?

Ans:- Three different cropping seasons of India are as under:- 

Rabi Cropping Season:- In this cropping season sowing of crops begins from November to
December and harvested in April to June. Some of the rabi crops include what, barley, peas,
gram and mustard.

Kharif Cropping Season:- In this Cropping Season sowing of crops begins with the onset of
monsoon and harvested in September to October. Important crops grown in this season include
paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, mooong etc.

Zaid Cropping season:- This is the Cropping season which lies between Rabi and Kharif seasons.
Some of the crops produced during this season include watermelon cucumber, vegetables and
fodder crops.

Qno11. Write a note on Green Revolution its merits and demerits?

Ans:- In mid-sixties a strategy of agricultural development based on adoption of irrigation,
chemical fertilizers and high yielding varieties of seeds known as package technology was
introduced by Indian Government. As a result there was tremendous increase in crop production This tremendous increase was seen in the production of cereals which include rice, wheat, jawar bajra and maize is called the Green Revolution

Green Revolution owes its origin to Mexico when it was started in 1940 with regard to renewal
and modernization of agricultural practices. Time period of 1968 to 1978 was marked with the
use of improved HYV's of seeds, adequate irrigational facilities and use of chemical fertilizers There were three basic elements in Green Revolution which include:-

  • Expansion of farming area

  • Double Cropping in existing farmland

  • Use of HYV of seeds

Merits of Green Revolution:-

  • Enhancement in agricultural productivity

  • Change in approach of peasants

  • Employment generation

  • Change in agricultural practices

  • Emergence of new Cropping patterns

  • It helped in raising the standard of living


Demerits of Green Revolution

  • Environmental degradation

  • Soil and water pollution

  • Loss of biodiversity

  • Decrease of water table

  • Loss of local and indigenous varieties of crops

  • Promoted weed and pest resistance


1. Jhumming is also called slash and burn agriculture

2. Rearing silk worms for the production of silk fibre is known as sericulture

3. White Revolution means tremendous increase in milk production

4. ICAR stands for Indian Council for Agricultural Research

5. Champaran movement was started by Ghandijiin 1917


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