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ABOU BEN ADHEM' Class 7th English poem3







By Leigh Hunt


Q. 1.What was the angel writing in the book of gold ?

Ans . He was writing in it the names of those who loved the Lord.

Q. 2. What did Abou ask the angel ?

Ans. He asked the angel if his name was among those who loved the Lord.

Q3. Why did Abou speak in a low voice?

Ans . Because his heart was full of peace and humanity.

Q. 4. What is a simile ? Pick out the simile used in line 4.

Ans. A simile is a comparison, using words like or as. The simile used in line 4 is : like a lily in bloom

Q.4. What do understand by a great wakening light'?

Ans. It means that the angel was surrounded with such bright light that Abou woke up with this light from his sleep.

Q. 5. Write T or F against each sentence in the space provided. If the statement is false, write the correct answer against the space provided and if it is true, put a cross against the space.

1. The room of Abou Ben Adhem is made beautiful by sunlight.. . ........... 

2. The room of Abou is compared with the blossoming rose......................... 

3. The angel wrote the names of those whom Lord loved the most.......................... 

4. The name of Abou appeared at the bottom.. ......................... 

5. Abou Ben Adhem was sleeping when the angel came to his room.................... ... 

Answers :
1. False (It is made beautiful by moonlight). 

2. False (It is compared with the blossoming lily). 

3. False (The angel wrote the names of those who loved the Lord). 

4. False (It appeared at the top). 

5. True.

Q.2. Form compound nouns from the following words by adding a word to it. 

1. tooth 

2. class 

3. after 

4. ice 

5. dust 

6. good 

7. swimming 

8. black 

9. fine 

10. pot 

11. snow 

12. news.

Answers :
 (Many different compound nouns are possible) 1. toothbrush 2. classroom 3. afternoon 4. icebox 5. dustbin 6. goodbye 7. swimming pool 8. blackboard 9. fine arts 10. potshot 11. snowfall 12. newspaper.


Q. 1. Abstract nouns describe ideas, feeling, or qualities, e.g., honesty, beauty, kindness, pain, etc. Pick out the abstract nouns used in the poem.

Ans. peace, presence, accord, look, love.

Q.2. Form compound nouns from the following words by adding a word to it. 1. tooth 2. class 3. after 4. ice 5. dust 6. good 7. swimming 8. black 9. fine 10. pot 11. snow 12. news.

Answers :

 (Many different compound nouns are possible) 1. toothbrush 2. classroom 3. afternoon 4. icebox 5. dustbin 6. goodbye 7. swimming pool 8. blackboard 9. fine arts 10. potshot 11. snowfall 12. newspaper.

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