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Tobacco the silent killer class 7th Lesson 3 English




Q. 1. What is the major component of tobacco smoke?

Ans. Nicotine is the major component of the tobacco smoke along with Benzepyrin and tar

Q. 2. What are carcinogenic chemicals. 

Ans. Chemicals which cause cancer are called as carcinogenic chemicals.

Q. 3. List some uses of tobacco.

Ans. The nicotine in tobacco is used as an insecticide in agriculture. It is used in many vitamin preparations also. Tobacco seed oil can be used in cooking and illumination. It can also be used in paint and varnish industry. In the past, tobacco was used in many medicines.

Q4. What is the difference between an active smoker and a passive smoker?

Ans. The active smoker is one who himseif smokes. The passive smoker is one who himself does not smoke, but inhales smoke because of being close to a smoker. Both the active and passive smokers have the risk of developing many diseases.

Q5. List five harmful effects of smoking.

Ans. The five harmful effects of smoking are as under;

 1. Smoking can cause cancer.

2. It can cause Bronchitis.

3. It can increase the blood pressure.

4. It can damage the muscles and the brain.

5. It can cause pregnancy related problems even miscarriage


1.Fill in the blanks :

Carcinogenic,Columbus, Carbon monoxide, Lungs Oxygen, 

1............landed in Tobago and found people using tobacco leaves.

2. Smoke also contains............ chemicals.

3..................is the major component in smoke.

4. It decreases the.............. supply to tissues and organs.

5. Smoking mainly affects............

Answer :
1. Columbus 2. carcinogenic 3. Carbon monoxide
 4. oxygen 5. lungs.

2. Make meaningful words from jumbled letters. These words appear in the lesson       



Gansor. .................................. 








Answer :

1. Tobacco 2. Smoking 3. Organs 4. Lungs 
5. Oxygen 6. Bronchitis 7. Hookah 
8.Active 9. Passive 10. Health


Read these sentences :

1. He has been smoking since morning

2. They have been working for five hours.

In the above sentences, the underlined words are in Present Perfect Continuous Tense. In this tense, we use ‘has / have + been + -ing (Present Participle) form of the verb.

We use ‘has' with She / he, It and third person singular subjects.

We use ‘have with I, We, You, They and plural subjects.

We use Present Perfect Continuous Tense for actions that began in the past

taking place now, and also showing time.

and are still going on or

Note : 1. 'Since' is used with point of time' like 5 a.m., Monday, 1995, Idd, Diwali, etc.

2. 'For’ is used with period of time' like 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, 2 decades, 5 centuries, etc.

Now use the verbs given in brackets in correct form (Present Continuous st Present Perfect Continuous Tense) in the following sentences :

1. The child ............. since sunset.(cry)

2.1.................................due to pain(cry)

3. 1............................... for five hours.(sleep)

4. She................... Soyou cannot talk to her.(sleep)

5. Come quickly. I................... For you (wait)

6. She......,......... for him for the whole day. (wait) 

7. We...................here since generations.(live) 

8. We............. at maternal home this time(live) 

9. He...........to somebody on the phone.(talk)

10. He............. to his son for two hours.(talk)

11. They............... in my office.(work)

12. The workers............... in the factory for twenty years.(work)

13. She............. the lawn since morning.(mow)

14. She............ her lawn.(mow)

15. It................. (drizzle)

16. It.,............. since sunrise.(drizzle)

17. The children................. from this disease since birth. (suffer)

18. They.................. unnecessarily because of you.


19. We.................... Our best (try) 

20. She................... hard to pass the examination.(try)


1. has been crying 

2. am crying 

3. have been sleeping 

4. is sleeping 

5. am waiting

6. has been waiting 

7. have been living 

8. are living 

9. is talking 

10. has beentalking 

11. are working 

12. have been working 

13. has been mowing 

14. is mowing 

15. is drizzling 

16. has been drizzling 

17. have been suffering 

18. are suffering 

19. are trying 

20. is trying.


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