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A mad tea party class 7 th



  "A Mad Tea Party"


Q. 1. How were the other animals using the Dormouse?

Ans. They were using him as a cushion.

Q. 2. Why did the Dormouse not objected to being used as a cushion ?

Ans. Because he was fast asleep.

Q. 3. Alice and Dormouse considered each other impolite.

(a) Was the March Hare impolite?

Ans. Yes, the March Hare was impolite. He asked Alice to have wine when there wasn't any on the table.

(b) In what way was Alice impolite?

Ans. She interrupted the Dormouse again and again while he was telling his story.

Q. 4. What were the two points which puzzled Alice in the story of the Dorm

Ans. She was puzzled how the three sisters could live at the bottom of a well. Then she was puzzled how they could draw honey from a honey-well.

Q. 5. Why did Alice leave the party?

Ans. She was so offended by the Hatter's impolite remark that she left the party.

Q. 6. Say whether the following statements are True or False :

(1) "I don't see any wine," Alice remarked.

(ii). The Dormouse slowly closed his eyes.

(iii) "You can draw water out of a water-well," said the Hatter.

(iv) Alice was disgusted.

(v) The Dormouse was being put into the teapot


(i)True (ii) False (iii) False (iv) True (v) True


Look at the following two sentences taken from the story.
- 1. “What did they live on ?"
2. “Have you guessed the riddle yet?"
The above sentences are direct questions. There are two types of direct
questions. They are Wh-questions and Yes / No questions. Wh-questions
start with a Wh-word, i.e., Who, What, Why, How, When, Which, Where,
Whose, Whom, etc.
Yes/No questions start with an auxiliary verb. e.g..

is / am/ are/have/has / had / de / does / did I can/ shall / may, etc.
The structure of Wh-question is:
Wh-word + helping verb + subject + main verb ....?                            Or

Wh-word + Main verb or helping verb used as main verb + subject.......? 
The structure of a Yes/No question is
Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb.....? 

Helping Verb (used as main verb) + Subject ........?
Now find at least five Wh-questions and five Yes/No questions from the
story and write them down in the space provided 



1. Why is a crow like a writing desk?

2. What did they live on?

3. Who's making personal remarks now?

4. Why did they live at the bottom of the well ?

5. What did they draw? 

Yes/No questions

1. Do you think that you can find out the answer to it?

2. Have you guessed the riddle yet?

3. Did you ever see such a thing?

4. Couldn't you draw honey out of a honey-well ?

5. Were they learning to draw ?!


Look at the following extract from the text :

A table was set out under a tree in front of the house, and Alice saw the March
Hare and the Hatter having tea at it : a Dormouse was sitting between them fast
sleep, and the other two were using it as a cushion, and talking over its head.
The underlined words are in simple past and past continuous reuses. You are
familiar with past simple tense. In past continuous tense, we use Was / Were +
-ing' form of verb.
We use 'was' with I/ He/She / It and singular subjects.
We use 'were' with We/ You / They and plural subjects.

We use past continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but had not finished.

I started doing            I was doing        I finished doing                  I am doing
      ⬇                   ⬇                    ⬇                       ⬇
past                past                past         present now

• This time last year I was living in Jammu.

• What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?

• I waved to her but she wasn't looking.

Use the verbs in the correct form (past continuous and past simple) to make
meaningful sentences :

1. Javid was. .........(wait) for me when I......(arrive).

2. "What...............(be) you ................ (do) this time yesterday?' 'I was asleep.'

3. My friend...........(take) a photograph of mine while I................ (look) at the flowers.

4. We were in a very difficult position. We........... (not/know) what to do.

5. I haven't seen Geeta for ages. When I last.......... (see) her, she.............(try) to find a job in Srinagar.

6. She................(burn) her hand when she...............(cook) the dinner.

7. I .............. (see) you in the park yesterday. You.............. (sit) on the grass and reading a book

8. While Rahim..............(work) in the garden, he............. (hurt) his back.  

9. When I...........(be) young, I...............(want) to be a doctor.

10. The doorbell............(ring while I.............(have) a bath.

Answers :

1. waiting, arrived 

2. were (you) doing 

3. took; was looking 

4. did not know, 

5.saw; was trying 

6. burnt; was cooking 

7. saw; were sitting 

8. was working; hurt 

9.was; wanted 

10.rang; was having.


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