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10th English Poetry(SPEAKUP)


"SPEAK UP” By  Faiz Ahmad Faiz.

01. The poet instigates the reader to speak up. Why does he do so?

Ans:- The poet instigates the reader to speak up because the time is running out. It is the time when his body has vigour and strength and he has emotional, moral and intellectual energy within. He has the courage and confidence to say boldly and clearly what he thinks.

Q2. The poet addresses the reader to come up with the truth .How does he do so? 

Ans:-The poet instigate  the reader about the duration of life. He tells him that life is very short and before death comes and puts an end to all  our activities , he must come up with the truth because truth prevails against falsehood in the long run. He must not delay to express his ideas freely boldly and courageously

Q3. How will the chains break?

Ans:-The chains will break when People  raise their strong, powerful and determined voice against cruelty, injustice and  cruel system.

Q4.Why does the poet urge the reader to speak up now?

Ans:-The poet urges the reader to speak up now because life has a very short duration. Before death actually comes and puts an end to all our activities, we must have the courage and confidence to speak up.

Q5. Do you think or "Speak up" is an effort of the poet to give voice to the voiceless? How?

Ans:-The 'Speak up' is a poem which is a solid effort on the part of poet to the voiceless. The poem infuses a new life into the dead and inspire them with courage, confidence and fearlessness. The poet instigates the reader to speak up boldly and clearly what he thinks. He mas speak for those who are suffering injustice. The poem is in fact an inspector for the rectums of oppression that makes them feel strong and resist boldly the cruel authority which puts a ban on freedom of speech.

Q6.What are the metaphors used in the poem?

Ans:-Metaphors used in the poem are:-

i)Lips are not sealed.

ii) This upright body is yours.

iii)Before your body and mind fade away.

iv) Time is running out.

Q7.What images does the poet draw from the black Smiths top!

Ans:- The poet draws the following images from the Black Smith's shop: 

i)Red oven, Fierce flames 

ii)Each fetter is skirting around.

In this poem, the blacksmiths shop stands  for the situation the freedom fighters have created for the freedom of their motherland. The red oven and the fierce flames stand for their boiling courage. The  fetters are symbols of slavery which they are determined to break.

Summary of the poem"

The poem "Speak up” is written by Faiz Ahmad Faiz. In this poem, the poet calls upon his people to speak up against their oppression. He tries' fill courage in their hearts. He says that they have lips that are their own. They have a soul that is still their own. They have an upright body that is also their own. So they should use their lips, their soul and their manliness to speak up. The poet says the climate of change is already there! They should take full advantage of it and speak up. Only then they can break the fetters of slavery:0r, the time will run out and they will have to repent forever. Their body and mind will fade away and they will lose all the powers to act. So they should speak up and say whatever they have to say

Central Idea of the poem”.

The poem instigates the reader to speak up boldly and clearly what he thinks. It infuses a new life into dead and inspire them with courage ,confidence and fearlessness. It is in fact an inspiration for the victims of oppression that makes them feel strong and resist the cruel authority which puts ban on freedom of speech.

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