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Sundrop poem class 10


"SNOWDROP"         BY     Edward James Hughes

Q1. How has nature shrunk the globe?

Ans. Nature has shrunk the globe with its bitter cold. It has restricted the movement or all animals. They live in a fear of death.

Q2. What has dulled the mouse's heart?

Ans:-The severe winter has dulled the mouse's heart

03. What sufferings do the animals undergo in the poem

Ans. The animals undergo many sufferings in the poem . Many outdoor animals have diet. Severe winter has stopped the mouse heart. The movement of Weasels and Crows has been halted by the coldness on of winter  It seems they are from with the cold and nearly immobile,

Q4. Write short note of 50-100 words on Hughes' view of nature?

Ans. Hughes presents nature as very cruel and heartless. It adopts a cruel attitude to destroy things before the expiry of their time. It brings sufferings to poor little creatures. It goes on with its deadly course without caring what happens to the living and non-living things of the world. It restricts the movement of all creatures. It dulls their hearts. But by giving the example of the snowdrop, the poet gives a message. In nature, only those will survive who have the courage and determination to continue to live. The snowdrop pushes its stem up even through the thick layers of snow. Thus it is able to bloom even in the intense cold

Q5. 'Her pale head heavy as metal'. Explain.

Ans. Here the poet refers to the snowdrop flower. It is like a hell in its shape with a round head. The pale head is quite heavy. It keeps hanging down It seems to be made of some heavy metal. But this heaviness and hardness of head is the secret of its strength. This strength enables it to push its stem even through the thick layers of snow and is able to bloom even in the intense cold. To poet, the snowdrop is a symbol of the survival of the fittest in nature.

Q6. Pick out the images from the poem. (One is done for you).

Ans. (a) Nature: Mouse. Weasel, Crow, Snowdrop.

(b) Universe: Globe, Stars, outer darkness, deaths.

(c) Metal: brass.

Q7. Weasel and crow, as if moulded in brass. Explain the simile used by the poet.

Ans. The simile Weasel and crow, as if moulded in brass means that bitter cold has restricted their movements. They have become almost immobile . They look like things moulded in brass

08. Aliteration :- Alliterations is the repetition  of the initial letter (usually a consonant) or first sound of two or more neighbouring words or syllables in a line of prose or poetry e.g. 

(I) In the messy month of March 

(ii) She  sells  sea  shells

Assonance:- means the repetitions  of similar vowel sound usually in stressed syllables more commonly in poetry than in prose. e g. Back and hat

"Summary of the poem”

The poem Snowdrop' is written by Ted Hughes. In this poem, the poet portrays the heartless brutality of nature in the winter. The whole earth seems to have shrunk tight due to the terrible freezing cold. The poet looks at a mouse and watches its miserable plight. The poet says that the terrible cold has dulled the beat of this poor animal's heart. The state of the Weasel and the crow is also no different. Due to bitter cold, they look as if moulded in brass: The bitter cold has restricted their movements. These poor animals are not in their right mind due to freezing cold. They see her creatures during of the cold. They remain in fear that the same thing could happen to them also 

       Hughes then surprises the reader by what he says about a beautiful but tender plant the snowdrop. She carries out her plans as she  wishes. Despite the delicateness of flower, it can withstand winter. In spite of such cold, it keeps pursuing its ends. It can push its stem up even through thick snow. The snowdrop's head seems to be heavy like tough metal. The snow drop is more successful than the animals because it has won its battle against winter.

Central idea of the poem'

In this poem, the poet tries to portray the heartless brutal nature in the winter season. It goes on with its deadly course without caring what happens to the living things of the world. It restricts the movement of wearers. By giving example of snowdrop, the poet gives a message. In nature and those will survive who have the courage and determination to continue to snowdrop pushes its stem up even through the thick layers of snow. Thus stable to bloom even in the intense cold.

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