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Management Of Natural Resources class 10




Ever since the man appeared on the earth's surface, he has been dependent on gifts of nature for his existence. He needed land to live, plants and animals to get food and nutrition, water to drink and wash, sunshine to get heat and energy, forest and wild life to get so many other things  for his subsistence.

What are Resources ?

 Resource is a source of supply or support held in reserve. For example, wood, obtained from forest, is used for making furniture ; Fibres, obtained from cotton, are used for weaving cloth ; Minerals, fossil-fuels, rivers, lakes, air and so  many other things. Thus, A resource is any means of supplying a material held in reserve which can be transformed into more valuable and useful item

What are natural resources? How can you classify natural resources on the basis of abundance and availability?

Natural resources: - The living or non living resources available in the environment 
which are consumed for supporting life and meeting human requirements are called natural resources. These resources are directly obtained from the nature and include land, water resources, fossil fuels, forests and wild life.

Classification of natural resources: - On the basis of abundance and availability, the natural resources are classified as under:

In exhaustible resources: - The resources which occur in nature in such abundance that there is no fear of their being exhausted by human use are called inexhaustible natural resources. The various examples of inexhaustible resources are air, water, soil, energy.

Exhaustible natural resources: - The resources which are likely to be exhausted due to continuous human use are called exhaustible natural resources. The various examples of exhaustible natural resources are coal, petroleum, natural gas, minerals, metals like gold, iron, silver etc.

What are renewable and non renewable resources?

Renewable Resources:-
The resources which can be made available by natural recycling and reproduction or can be replenished if managed wisely are called renewable resources. They include forests,  animals, ground water etc. e.g. if forest trees are felled for wood or other purposes, the actual  forests can be reproduced by planting more and more new trees.

Non-renewable resources: - The resources which get exhausted by their continuous 
use because of their incompatibility to recycle are called non renewable resources. They include coal, natural gas, petroleum etc. e.g. coal if burnt turns into gases and cannot be recycled to form the coal again.

What is a forest? Give the importance of forests?

Forest: - A forest is the biotic community spread over a vast area of land and is usually composed of different types of plant species and is often characteristics with a closed canopy

Importance of forest: -
Forests are important in the following ways:

1. Forests provide timber for building houses, making furniture and other necessary particulars
2. Forest trees along with other vegetation help to maintain oxygen and Co, content in the atmosphere.
3. They are responsible for removing the excess Co2 from the atmosphere.
4. They are responsible for the occurrence of rains.
5. Forest trees act as the wind breakers.
6. They provide shelter to a variety of organisms.
7. Some forests trees have medicinal value.
8. The wood obtained from the forest trees can be used for making paper, match sticks, card
boards etc.
9. They add oxygen to the environment by the process of photosynthesis.
10. They have a great aesthetic value.

What do you mean by conservation of natural resources write down the various steps
for the conservation of forest wealth?

Conservation of natural resources: - The management of the human use of the natural resources in such a way that maximum benefit can be obtained them for the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the requirements of the future generation is called conservation.

Steps for the conservation of forests: - The various steps which help to conserve the
forest wealth are as under:

1. Replacing fuel wood by alternate sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy etc.
2. Prohibiting indiscriminate deforestation.
3. Encouraging reforestation as early as possible.
4. Preventing forests fires by using modern firefighting equipment's.
5. Controlling diseases in the forests at the early stage.
6. Adopting modern techniques of forest tree s like use of fertilizers and bacteria and irrigation

What do you mean by deforestation? What are the various causes of deforestation?

The removal, decrease or deterioration of the forests area is called deforestation.

Causes: -
The various causes of deforestation are as under
1. The extensive use of timber and firewood for various purposes.
2. Clearing of the forest area for providing enough space for human settlements, factories and agricultural crops...
3. Mining of various natural resources like coal, gold, petroleum, silver etc.
4. Establishment of dams and reservoirs for irrigating the waste lands and generating
5. Forest fires.

What are the various ill effects of deforestation?

The various ill effects of deforestation are as under:
1. It has led to soil erosion.
2. It causes floods and droughts.
3. It has resulted in the extinction of many species like Dodo, Cheetah etc.
4. It increases the risk of landslides and avalanches.
5. It has led to global warming.
6. It has changed the pattern of rainfall.

What do you mean by wild life? Write down the various steps for the conservation of wild life?

Wild life: - It refers to the organisms living in natural habitats which are neither cultivated, domesticated nor tamed. They live in nature freely without the human intervention. They include plants, animals and microbes.

Steps for conservation of wild life: -
are as under:

The various steps for conservation of wild life
1.The wild animals should be protected in natural as well as artificial habitat under human control.

2. The threatened species should be given control over others in the conservation program.

3. The life supporting systems should be managed properly in order to provide suitable
habitats for the wild life.

4. International trade of rare species and their products should be stopped.

5. Hunting should be completely banned or permitted only to the authorized people.

6. National parks and sanctuaries should be established to protect wild life and ensure their

What is the importance of wild life or why do we need to conserve wild life?

Wild life is important in the following ways:

1. It has a great economic importance as it provides food, drugs, timber, meat, leather etc.

2. It maintains ecological balance in nature.

3. Wild life is used for biological and medical research.

4. Some wild animal are used as beasts of burden in agricultural activities.

5. Wild animals like peacocks; bears etc. provide a good sport and are used in circus shows.

What do you mean by extinction of wild life? Write down the various causes of extinction of wild life?

Extinction:- Extinction refers to the  disappearance of a species form the earth when
its last surviving member dies.

Causes of extinction of wildlife. 

The various causes of extinction of wield life are

1. Hunting of wild species for food, commerce and other purposes.

2. Destruction of natural habitats by human activities.

3. Development works like human settlements, establishment of factories, roads, railway lines,
dams, crop lands etc.

4. Environment pollution.

5. Lack of education.

6. Forest fires.

What are the main objectives of wild life conservation?

There are three main objectives of wild life conservation they are as under:

1. Maintaining essential ecological process and life supporting system.

2. Preserving the diversity of species or the genetic material or organisms.

3. Ensuring a continuous use of species that support rural communities and urban industries.

Write short notes on:
(i)National park:
(ii) Wild life sanctuary

A national park is a tract of land reserved and maintained by the national govt. for welfare of entire wild life in the area operations like plantation, cultivation; grazing and other related activities are not allowed in national parks. Private ownership rights and habitat manipulation is also not permitted. Presently there are about 106 National parks in India. Some of the well-known national parks are Corbett National Park (U.P), Kaziranga National Park (Assam), Gir National Park (Gujarat) etc.

Wild life sanctuary: - A sanctuary is an area reserved for the conservation of animals only. Operation like producing timber and minor  forests products and private ownership rights are allowed provided they do not affect the animals. There are about 566 Wild life sanctuaries in our country. Some of the well-known sanctuaries in India are Dechigam sanctuary (J&K), Periyar Sanctuary (Kerala), Sultan pore lake bird sanctuary (Haryana) etc.

Write down the various steps for the conservation of water resources?

The various steps for the conservation of water resources are as under:

1. Water should be used very carefully for domestic and industrial purposes in such a way to have minimum wastage.

2. Wastage of water during Irrigation should be minimized by controlling leakage, brick lying
channels and by avoiding over Watering,

3. Afforestation of the hill slopes should be encouraged to prevent its loss in the form of

4. Dams and reservoirs should be established to store rain water and ensure its availability
throughout the year.

5. Soil erosion should be controlled to maintain the top soil which-in turn ensures maximum
absorption of rain water.

Describe briefly the rule of water or give the importance of water?

Water is important in the following ways:
1.It serves as a habitat for a variety of aquatic organisms like fish, frog etc.

2. It maintains the temperature in the biosphere.

3. It is used for dinking, cooking, bathing and washing purposes.

4. It is used to dilute chemicals in the medical labs.

5. It is used for the disposal of wastes.

6. It is used by the plants in the process of photosynthesis.

7. Lit is used for irrigation.

8. It is used in construction works.

9. Water in the form of water falls, tides and currents are used for generating hydroelectricity.

10. Large water bodies' act as playground for certain games like swimming, surfing, dying etc.

What are dams? Write down the various advantages and disadvantages of dams?

Dams: - Dams are huge are storing bodies built by the government agencies to
ensure the availability of water throughout the year. This water can be used for various
purposes like irrigation, drinking, generating electricity etc. some of the well-known
dams in India are Bhakra Dam, Tawa Dam, Indra Gandhi Canal.
Advantages of dams are as under:

1. The water stored in the dams can be used for irrigation the drought areas.

2. They ensure continuous water supply in the surrounding areas.

3. This water can be used for generating hydroelectricity.

4. It can be used for drinking purposes after the chemical treatment.

Disadvantages of dams are as under:

1. It leads to submerging of a large area of lands.

2. It changes the climatic conditions of the surrounding area.

3.It renders various species homeless.

4.It leads to deforestation and loss of biodiversity.

Describe briefly the various types of fossil fuels?

The various types of fossil fuels are briefly described as under:

1. Coal: -
Coal is a black coloured combustible, fossilized rock deposit derived from the
plants or plant remains that has long been buried under the earth. These deposits have
been transformed into coal in absence of oxygen and by the over lying pressure. This fuel
after mining can be used for various purposes like cooking, heating, in industry and thermal
power plants.

Petroleum: - Petroleum is another fossil fuel that occurs in the form of liquid oil under the earth. It has been formed in the past from the plants and animals and their remains and are now got from the sedimentary rock. These reserves are confined to a few countries like Arabia, Kuwait, U.S.A, Iraq etc. It is mainly used as fuel for transportation, generators and some industries.

Write down the various steps for the conservation of fossil fuels?

The various steps for the conservation of fossil fuels are as under:
1. Use of oil should be minimized to save it for future use.
2. Energy efficient appliances should be invented to reduce energy wastage.
3. Over consumption of oil in automobiles should be checked by keeping the engines in a good
working order.
4. Alternative source of energy such as hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, solar energy and wind
energy should be used instead of fossil fells.
5. Use of bio gas plants should be encouraged.

What is rain water harvesting? What are its objectives?

Rain water harvesting is a technique of capturing and storing rain water in wells, check dams, and percolation. Rainwater is stored in reservoirs by adopting artificial recharge techniques in order to meet the house hold needs through storage in tanks. Two techniques involved are:

1. Roof top harvesting: -
This involves the collection of rain water from the roof tops of
the houses and buildings and storing it in trenches, tanks, pits and reservoirs. The water so
collected is used for growing vegetation, cultivating crops, gardening etc.

2. Check dam and percolating pits: - This involves the storage of water in natural  depressions on the surface of earth. In expensive barriers are constructed to prevent run off. The water stored by this method is used for irrigation during dry season.

The various objectives of rain water harvesting are:

1.To meet the harvesting demand of water.

2. To avoid floods.

3. To raise the level of water table.

4. To reduce ground water pollution.

5. To meet the water requirement during summer and long dry spells.

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