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Footprints with out feet class 10


Notes prepared by 
Ashaq Hussain Bhat
Teacher school education department

Footprints without feet
By H .G .wells

Qno1:- How would you assess Griffin as a scientist? 

Ans Griffin was a brilliant scientist, because he discovered the scientific formula for making the human body invisible.  It really was a great achievement in science.  But when he went into hiding, he began to enjoy the feeling of power.  He misused his discovery to satisfy his personal needs and gained the unhappy pleasure of hurting others.  Although he was successful in his work, he was not a great scientist who contributed to the betterment of society at large.  Therefore, his secret was discovered by him only for his own benefit.

Qno2:- The two boys in London where surprised and fascinated why? 

The two boys in London were surprised and fascinated because they had seen the muddy imprints of a bare footed man but they did not see any man there. Soon the footprints became fainter and fainter and finally disappeared. 

Qno3:-What did Griffin do in side the shop? 

Griffin entered the big store in London. He opened the boxes inside the store and dressed himself with warm clothes. He put on an overcoat, a hat and a pair of shoes. He ate cold meat and sipped coffee.

Qno5:- How did Griffin escape from the London store? 

Answer: Being noticed and chased by two attendants of the Departmental stores  he threw away his clothes and became invisible and escaped from the London store.

Qno5 Griffin entered the shop of a theritical  company, what did he do there

Ans:-Ans:-Griffin went to Dry Lane.  Entering a theater shop, he wore a long coat, bandages, a wide-brimmed hat, false whispers, and nose and black glasses to cover his face and neck.  He appeared completely.  He robbed the owner of the theatrical company and moved to Opening, a lonely village away from the London crowds.

Qno6:-Why was the arrival of this stranger in a village inn an unusual event? Give two reasons.

Ans. The arrival of this stranger in village inn was an unusual event because it was mid-winter and the atmosphere was very chilly and deserted. Moreover, Griffin had cloaked  himself in a strange way. So, his strange appearance and  his arrival puzzled everyone.

Q7. How did the scientist look when he came to the inn?

Ans. The scientist looked very strange when he came to the inn. He had his forehead  banded irascible manner. He preferred loneliness and thus appeared to be an eccentric person 

Q8. The landlord’s wife was convinced that Griffin was “an eccentric scientist”. What made her think of Griffin In these terms?

Ans. Griffin had an unusual and a very strange appearance. Mrs. Hall tried to be friendly with him but  he keep away from her  and tell not to disturb him. Besides this, his strange habits and quick temper made her believe that he was an eccentric scientist.

Q9. What was “the curious episode” that took place in the Clergyman’s study?

Ans Early in the morning, the pastor and his wife heard some noise which showed that someone was stealing money from the pastor's desk . As soon as they entered the room, they were surprised to find it empty and money was missing from the table..

Q10. The landlord and his wife were surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open. Why were they surprised?

Ans. The landlord and his wife were surprised to see the scientist's door open because it was always closed and closed and the scientist would get angry if anyone entered his room because he preferred solitude.  Seeing the door open, Mr. and Mrs. Hall entered the room and began to investigate.  Suddenly Mrs. Hall  heard a sniffed near his ear.  After a while, Griffin's hat bounced off and hit her in the face.  Then the bedroom chair, jumped and pushed them out of the room.

Q11. Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. Pick out an example of humour from what follows this incident.

Ans. Mrs. Hall was shocked by the strange incident.  She was convinced that Griffin had pushed her mother's soul into the chair which attacked her and she was upset to think that her mother's soul had risen against her.  This is a funny story.

Q12. The Scientist was furious. What did he do in anger? Why were the people in the bar horrified?

Ans. Mrs. Hall questioned Griffin and inquired about what had happened in her room.  He became angry.  He yelled at her and told her he would show her his true identity.  In just a minute, he took off his bandages.  Whispers, spectacles and a false nose, which caused his head to disappear.  Everyone in the bar was shocked to see a headless man in front of them.

Q13. What happened to the constable?

Ans. The constable was called to arrest Griffin.  The scientist took off his clothes one by one and eventually went completely hidden.  The brave constable still tried to catch the invisible scientist but he was hit and fainted. The constable was called to capture Griffin. The scientist was putting off his clothes one by one and ultimately became totally invisible. The brave constable still tried to get hold of the 

Q14. The scientist was a man of “irritable temper”. Give an example to prove this.

Ans. The scientist was a man of irritable temperament.  This is clear from many incidents.  One such incident was when Mrs. Hall questioned him about the unusual behaviour of her furniture.  He loses his temper and reveals his identity.  What's more, he disliked the friendly atmosphere and preferred solitude, indicating that he was an unfriendly and irritable.. 

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