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QI:- What is a Serman ? How is it different from lecture?

Ans :- A sermon is a discourse given by a religious teacher.  This is a discussion on a moral or religious subject.  A lecture is a talk given to a group of people about a particular subject.

Q2:- When her son dies, kisa Gotami goes from house to house. What does she ask for? Does she get it? Why not?

Ans:-She asks for medicine to cure her son.  He does not get medicine because there is no medicine to raise the dead.

03:- Kisa Gotami again goes from house house after she speaks with the Buddha. What does she ask for the second lime around? Does she get it? Why not?

Ans-She asks for a handful of mustard seeds, but she doesn't get one.  Because Buddha had asked her to bring seeds from a house where death had never occurred.  Kasa Gautami could not find a single house without a dead person before.

04:- What does Kisa Gotami understand the second time ?Was this what the Buddha wanted her to understand?

Ans:- For the second time, Kasa Gautami understood the fate of men.  She believed that death is the common destiny of all.  The Buddha wanted her to understand that death is the common end of all, there can be no medicine that can bring men back to life.

Q 05:- Why do you thick Kisa Gotami understood this only the second time? In what way did the Buddha change her understanding?

Ans:-.  Only a second time Kisa Gautama realize that death was normal. And indispensable for all.  Because she was selfish in her grief.  Her son died and she wanted to see him alive.  But Buddha changed his mind by asking her. Bring mustard seeds from the house where no one died.  She approached many houses without some dead person earlier He made her realize that if selfishness is given up then this is the way to go towards morality

Q6:- How do you usually understand the idea of selfishness? Do you agree with Kisa Gotami that she is being 'Selfish in her grief'?

Ans:- selfishness usually means thinking only of oneself without caring about anyone. We can not say that Kisa Gotami was selfish in fact, She was just unaware of a hard fact that dead person can not be brought back in to life. Buddha made her  realize this fact. 

Writing Work:-

Q:- The Buddha's serman is over 2500 years old. Do you think the Buddha's ideas and way of teaching continue to hold meaning for us? or have we found better ways to deal with grief? Put down your feeling in 150-250 words.

Ans:-Although Buddha's sermon is more than 2,500 years old, it is worth considering. That the teachings of Buddhism are eternal.  They are be true and beautiful. To all future generations.

  Buddha rightly said that death is inevitable.  It comes to light soon.  That is the reality and we must be prepared to face it at any time.  Although the death of a loved one saddens us, it is only our selfishness.  We don't think that anyone who is ever born has to die.  There are instances when we have  seen mothers and fathers losing their sons and daughters, young boys and girls losing their parents, women losing their husbands.  Death brings sorrow, grief, despair, loneliness, anxiety, etc.

  Buddha's point of view is the real .  One should not grieve or weep or mourn but should feel what has happening.  We should be careful and loving with everyone and fulfill our responsibilities and leave everything to God.  We must remember that God is never unjust.

QWrite a page (about three paragraphs) one of the following topics.
(a) Teaching someone to understand a new or difficult idea.
(b) Helping each other to get over difficult times.
(c) Thinking about oneself as unique, or as one among billions of others.

Ans:-Man is a social animal created by Allah on this holy land.  During his stay he face both anxiety and happiness because at every step there are stress, anxiety, tension, difficulties, pain , sorrow, sadness and trauma.  No one can free themselves from the emotions of these behaviors because they are going to happen at any moment.

  It is the duty of all of us to help one another in times of difficulty. Empathy is of the utmost importance.
  We must remember that misfortune can befall on any of us at any time.  When we see some one in trouble, we should help him .  We must show love, compassion and nobility, we must make those who are in trouble realize that we must endure hardship with courage.  By giving concrete examples, we can create a new faith that we must be brave and ready for everything.




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