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The little girl Class 7th Tulips Series English








Q.1. How did the little girl feel when her father went to work each day?

Ans. She felt a glad sense of relief.

Q.2 "She never stuttered with other people but only with father.” This show that the little girl was:

(a) foolish
(b) Nervous
(d) unnatural

Ans:- Nervous

Q. 3. Why did the little girl start making the pin-cushion?

Ans. She wanted to gift it to her father on his birthday.

Q. 4. What did the little girl stuff the pin-cushion with?

Ans. She found some sheets of fine paper in her mother's bedroom. She tore them into tiny pieces and stuffed the pin-cushion with them.

Q. 5. Did the little girl know that the stuffing was important?

Ans. No, she didn't know that.

Question Deleted 

Q. 6. "What did God make fathers for ?" Who said these words?

Ans. The little girl, Kezia, said these words.

Q. 7. What was Kezia's nightmare?

Ans.In her nightmare, Kezia saw a butcher with a knife and a rope. The butcher came nearer and nearer. He had a dreadful smile. Kezia cried out in fear and woke up.

Q. 8. Did the nightmare repeat itself?

Ans. Yes, it often repeated itself.

Q. 9. What did the little girl's father do when she had the nightmare ?

Ans. He took her to his own bedroom. He tucked up the child and lay down beside his own bed.

Q. 10. Kezia's father (Choose the right option):

(a) loved his daughter (b) was indifferent to her.

Ans:- He loved his daughter.


Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentences with suitable word/s taken from those given in brackets.

1. Lawyer to Mr. Lateef, "I................you to pay your taxes by March 31." (advice / advise)

2. I................... that we should go shopping.

 (plan / suggest)

3. Sita is not ready. She hasn't.............her hair yet .(done / made)

4. It is bad manners to ....... at a person

(stare / gaze)

5. On a cool summer evening we often............

at the stars. (gaze / stare)

6. The management have decided to ........ all the demands of the striking workers ............. the one for a pay revision. (accept / except)

7. The man who sells..........was hurt in an accident when his car hit a ................. lorry.

(stationary / stationery)

8. The world needs a lot more people working for................We want the country to be in one ................. always. (peace / piece)

9. The.............of this institution is a man of.............

(principle / principal)

10. It is..............difficult to find a............. room in this hostel. (quiet / quite)

Answers :
1. advise 2. suggest 3. done 4. stare 5. gaze 6. accept ; except 7. stationery; stationary 8. peace ; piece 9. principal ; principle 10. quite ; quiet.


I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from those given below. Make necessary changes in the tense of the verb.

look for          look through.            look after
pull off           give up.                      look at
blow out        push open.                hurry up
fill with

1.I am...................admiration for his bravery.

2.............................! It's getting late.

3. She.....................the door of the drawing room.

4.............................the blackboard." The teacher said to the student.

5. He has...,.............smoking

6. The little girl was ordered to..,.................the boots of her father.

7.......................the candle, please.

8.We should......................the plants around us.

9. She........................a window.

10. I am........,...............my lost pen.


1. filled with  2. Hurry up   3. pushed open            4. Look at       5. given up    6. pull off                      7. Blow out    8. look after   9. is / was looking through         10. looking for.

II. Give the adjective forms of the following adverbs :

Adverbs.                       Adjective

1. laboriously.                     ....................

2. soundly.                           .....................

3. properly.                         ......................

4. 'sharply.                          .......................

5. finally.                             .......................

6. suddenly.                       ........................

7. quickly.                          ........................

8. slowly.                          ........................

9. especially.                    ..........................

10. tightly.                        ..........................

Answers :

1. laborious      2. sound      3. proper.    4. sharp 5. final               6. sudden    7. quick        8. show 9. special          10. tight.


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