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I Can Not Remember My Mother Class 9th English







"I Can Not Remember My Mother"

(Rabindranath Tagore)

Thinking About the poem:

Q. 1 What is the poet doing when he remembers his mother?

Ans: Wherever poet remembers his mother he plays with his playthings

Q. 2 In what ways does the poet feel the presence of his mother?

Ans: The poet feels the presence of his mother when he plays with his playthings when the smell of shiuli flowers floats in the air and when he looks outside through his bedroom window.

Q.3 What does the poet hear when he is at play?

Ans: When the poet plays with his playthings he hears a tune hovering over them.

Q.4 What word do we use for the cradle song?

Ans: The word "Lullaby" is used for cradle song

Q.5 Is the poet's mother dead  or alive? How do you come to know about it?

Ans: The poet's mother is dead because the poet does not remember anything about her.

Q.6 What sights and smells remind the poet of his mother?

Ans: The sight of sky at night and the smell of Shiuli flowers reminds the pact of his mother

Q.7 What are the feelings that this poem arouses in you?

Ans: The poem arouses the feelings of pity for us. It also arouses in us love and the respect for our mother.

Literary Devices:

(a) :Imagery: imagery gives sensory impressions and lends clarity to a poem. In this poem the poet creates beautiful images that relate to sight sound and smell.

Ans: The poet hears a tune hovering over his playthings which is an aural image.

(b) Pick out the visual and aural images related to smell which appeal to our senses directly.

(i) Visual: Sight 

(II) Aural: Hearing sense.

2: The poem does not have a rhyme scheme or a fixed Jength for each line. Did you enjoy the poem? If yes, why?

Ans: Yes, we enjoyed the poem very much. The poem charms us by virtue of its music and is highly imaginative piece of poetry.

Central Idea of the poem: 

The poem, "I can not remember my
mother", composed by Rabindranath Tagore is based upon the theme of mother son relation and love. The central idea of the poem is that the loss of mother in ones childhood leaves a great influence on the child's mind. The poet had lost his mother in his early childhood and remembers nothing about her. However, he has collection of her. A few things remind him of his mother like sweet tune, sweet smell of shiuli flower etc 

Summary of the poem.

 "I can not remember my mother" composed by Rabindranath Tagore. The poet says that he can not recall any thing about his mother as his mother died in his early childhood. However sometime when he hears a tune hovering over his plaything, he senses that it is the tune of his mother's song which she used to hum while rocking his cradle
when the poet smells the surest fragrance of Shiuli flowers, it reminds the poet of his mother as she used to take these flowers in the temple. The poet says that when he sits at the window of his bedroom and looks at the blue sky, he feels as his mother is still looking at him from above.

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